Founders: Harsh Patel, Abhishek Prajapati, Umesh Patel, Abhishek Reddy
Gardenify services, “enriching greenery on every turf” provides online home services for gardens. From shopping of garden related products to maintenance of gardens a user can avail all sorts of services on online website portal as well as an Android Application.Founder: Rushabh Mataliya,Viren Prajapati
Booksty is an online book service provider which provides new and used books at the Low-cost price to college students without any delivery charge.

Founders: Harsh Patel, Abhishek Prajapati, Umesh Patel, Abhishek Reddy
Garagecon is an online aggregator to connect garages and providing services for 2 wheelers and 4 wheelers with pick-up and drop facility. User can easily book vehicle service hassle free and also can easily access to garagecon during breakdown from anywhere across the state.Founder: Raj Mehta
Raj Electromotive is a low cost electric cycle provider. It is also provide Tricycles, Garbage collection vehicle which is operated on electric power.

Founders: Jay Prajapati
Pelooservices is an online marketplace where you can buy/book your daily services online without any hassle. Here at Peloo services you can do weekly or monthly subscription for milk and you can buy vegetables and groceries from your areas vendors plus you can get lighting fast delivery in just a 1 hour of your placement.
Provisional Patent App. No. : 201921006076
Pelooservices is an online marketplace where you can buy/book your daily services online without any hassle. Here at Peloo services you can do weekly or monthly subscription for milk and you can buy vegetables and groceries from your areas vendors plus you can get lighting fast delivery in just a 1 hour of your placement.
Provisional Patent App. No.: 201921006074
The present invention is on design of a hybrid system consisting of an electric and Internal Combustion based power drives in two wheelers. The front wheel is propelled by battery whereas the rear wheel is powered by gasoline. It includes development of a new concept of reutilization of heat energy though Stirling engine and thermocouple attached to the cylinder radiating ?ns and also to the exhaust. The heat which is not utilized by the IC engine is converted into electricity and then used to drive the front wheel through an electric motor
Provisional Patent App. No. : 201921006076
The product comprises of an attachable and detachable trolley that is capable of joining any two wheeler like scooter, bike , etc. The trolley is to be loaded with a ?re extinguisher of 25 kg ?lled with dry chemical power, along with a 5 kg CO2 ?re extinguisher which will help the powder to throw to a distance of 5-6meters